Welcome to Saint Michael's Church

Welcome to Saint Michael Orthodox Church. We are a parish of the Orthodox Christian Faith which was established on the day of Holy Pentecost in the Year 33 AD. Our parish community is a member of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A. whose presiding bishop is His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa. The American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese is an autonomous diocese under the spiritual protection of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople of which His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I is the Primate.

Through this web site, we are pleased to be able to introduce you to the worship and fellowship as it is expressed in the life of our Parish. If you are a new member of our parish, or are considering membership, these web pages will acquaint you with what our parish offers. Learn More ... 


Sundays: Divine Liturgy or Reader's Service 9:30 am
Sunday Summer Schedule (June-Aug):
Divine Liturgy 9:00 am or Reader's Service 9:30 am.
Other Services: As announced.

Concerning prayer in church, know that it is higher than prayers at home, for it is raised by a whole group of people, among which many are most pure prayers, offering to God from humble hearts, which He accepts as fragrant incense.

+ St. Macarius of Optina

Diocesan News

Parish Spotlight

Worship Schedule

Vespers: Saturdays  [Time]
Eve of Great Feasts [Time]

Liturgy:  Sundays and Feast Days [Time]

Other Services:
As Scheduled. Consult Church Bulletin

Upcoming Events

Divine Liturgy
Oct 20 9 am
Divine Liturgy
Oct 27 9 am
Divine Liturgy
Nov 3 9 am
Divine Liturgy
Nov 10 9 am
Divine Liturgy
Nov 17 9 am
Divine Liturgy
Nov 24 9 am
Divine Liturgy
Dec 1 9 am

Events Calendar